Evangelism is hard work requiring lots of patience. Churches and mission boards are often too impatient and want to see numerical growth explode overnight.
Wade and Mike sit down to discuss the Pauline Epistles. They walk through some of the specifics, but generally attempt to take an overview of what Paul seems to be doing in his letters and why his writing is so important to the church.
At the outset of His ministry, Jesus' authority is on full display. Authority over sickness, authority over demons, and the authority to call you to follow Him
Forget prayer, America needs the use of logic and civilized discourse! So do preachers. What if preachers actually honestly engage the culture instead of cry “martyr”? Ringside meets The Craft of Preaching with special guest Dr. Ben Haupt.
Divine election is nothing other than God’s freedom and power to choose, and He has made His word the instrument by which He makes His choice about you.
Did the Apostle Paul just say that “he fills up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ?" That seems a little at odds with Jesus’ statement, "It is finished."