The Cross (117)
  1. On Good Friday, poetic justice is satisfied. Poetic mercy is all which remains.
  2. Simon carried the cross, but Jesus was carried by the cross to death.
  3. Out there the instincts to protect yourself from embarrassment, ridicule, and rejection can easily overcome you as they did Peter. Our only hope is in Peter’s Lord.
  4. What grace is this? It’s grace from Christ, who often seizes us when we least expect it, even through the hands of His enemies.
  5. God is often hidden in history, even as we make it now, but He is always manifest where He has promised to be.
  6. It is precisely from the cross that the glory of God shines most brightly into our lives, as dark and sinister as Golgotha appears from a sinful distance. Cross trumps crisis.
  7. If we think God’s power, love and beauty are reserved merely for the glories of Transfiguration, then we have not understood the Father; we have not understood divine revelation.
  8. Jesus meets us in our life of lies, in our falsehoods, in the untruth of our being, and in the company, we create to cover up our nakedness.
  9. The only one rightful heir of the kingdom of God, inherits from us, our cross, and descends into the kingdom of the damned.
  10. People are searching for connection, direction, and hope in a troubled world, and we can use their star-shaped questions to point them to the shape of the cross.
  11. Each day gives us occasion to die to our sinful identities of all kinds and to live out a life in Christ’s footsteps as children of God.
  12. Golgotha is the point where not only Mary and John’s family life assumed a new character, but it is the point of orientation for all human community that uses the cross to straighten out the lives of individuals turned in upon themselves.

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