The Transfiguration (48)
  1. Moses has a Second Commandment issue. Here you have an incredibly faithful guy who fails just once and is, therefore, barred from the promise.
  2. Moses should receive honor, Jesus even more. Moses should be followed, Jesus even more. Moses should be trusted, Jesus most of all and above all else.
  3. This glory, once found, is not to be extracted from this world. Rather, God comes in glory to impart glory to the world.
  4. This Too Shall Pass. In this episode, we discuss temporary and eternal things, transfiguration, cosmic events, dancing on the liminal edge, mammon, profiteering, earthly vocations, the Trinity, and the music of the spheres.
  5. At the Transfiguration, we say farewell to alleluia and hello to the horrific reality of our lost condition.
  6. How do we celebrate the Transfiguration? We listen to Jesus. His words bring forgiveness and life that transfigure our world.
  7. Boldness means a lack of fear from cancel-culture and a disregard for worldly retribution. Boldly preach! Christ has overcome the world.
  8. Before we set out for that Lenten journey, though, we meet with God on many mountains with Elijah and Moses, and through the same number of valleys with them as well.

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