Lent begins this Sunday. Changes in the liturgical seasons offer preachers a good opportunity to address the Christian life from a higher elevation.
Baptism, temptation, respite: Did you notice the order? That is the movement of Jesus’ experience in Luke 3 and 4. He was baptized in the Jordan (Luke 3:21-22), tempted in the desert (Luke 4:1-12), and then found a (brief) period of respite (Luke 4:13). It was the beginning of His ministry. It is also the movement of the Christian life. Baptism, temptation, respite.
Lent begins this Sunday. Changes in the liturgical seasons offer preachers a good opportunity to address the Christian life from a higher elevation. That is, they offer times to step back from the minutia of the day-to-day and look at the big picture. Doing this periodically can help us reimagine the shape of our lives, and then reengage the daily grind with a renewed perspective and vigor. I suggest you use the movement of this text (baptism, temptation, respite) to do just that.
In terms of the layout for this sermon, you have a number of organizational options. Among them is the Comparison/Contrast structure by which you might compare and contrast Jesus’ experience of these three movements with ours. Another option would be to use a narrative approach and tell the story of Jesus, the story of the Church, and the story of your particular hearers using the Multiple Story structure. A third option would be the Process structure by which you would help your hearers locate themselves in the process from baptism, to a life of struggle (tentatio), to the eternal respite we long to experience at the return of Jesus.
Whichever structure you choose for the sermon, there are certain concepts and ideas you want to emphasize.
Most of your hearers are baptized. Remind them of it. Not only to comfort and encourage them with the promise of forgiveness, life, and salvation, but remind them also of the new identity and the new life which began in their baptism. What kind of identity and life is this?
- Their baptismal identity is a corporate identity. That is, they belong to one another as members of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13). Their baptism is the end of isolation and individualism.
- Their baptismal identity is characterized by newness of life. This new life is free from the punishment of sin, but also from the bondage of sin. Shall they go on sinning that grace may about? By no means! They are baptized (Romans 6:1-4)!
- In short, their identity is now caught up with Jesus. He lives in them (Galatians 2:20). His Spirit works in them and through them to live in loving unity with other believers and loving service to all.
This new life is free from the punishment of sin, but also from the bondage of sin. Shall they go on sinning that grace may about? By no means!
Led by the Spirit in the wilderness, Jesus was being tempted (πειραζόμενος) over a period of forty days. The connection to Israel’s wandering in the desert is obvious. As the greater and more faithful Son of God, Jesus did what the Israelites could not do.
Neither can we. Life in a world beset by sin (within and without) is filled with temptation. As we face temptation, we should not imagine Jesus primarily as an example to follow. Sermons on this text often become, “How to deal with temptation,” instructions. Know and quote the Bible, the preacher says, and the Devil will flee. While knowing the Scriptures is good, this focus for a sermon turns the hearers toward themselves and their abilities.
Instead, I would suggest making a connection to Jesus’ words in the Lord’s Prayer as he gives it in Luke 11:4, which concludes with the petition: “Lead us not into temptation (πειρασμόν).” Why not? Because we cannot handle it, not even with an arsenal of memorized Bible verses on hand. Jesus, the faithful Son who has conquered sin and the Devil for us, is our only hope in time of temptation. We deal with temptations by turning to Jesus for strength and protection.
As you reflect on temptation in your congregation, do not settle for speaking in general terms. General temptation is not the problem. We deal with specific temptations and need specific help to expose and address them. Use discretion, of course. But do not let them off the hook with generalities and platitudes.
The respite is almost hidden in Luke 4. That is okay. In fact, this is how it often goes in life. Because of the sin which clings so closely, we are never entirely free of temptation. The respite we experience in this life is always like a halt in enemy fire as we hunker down in the trenches., but we are still in the trenches.
This is where the proclamation of the promise of Christ must dominate. The only respite we have on this side of eternity is the promise of forgiveness and life in Christ. Despite our inability to withstand temptation, God is gracious and forgiving. He provides rest to the weary and strength for the weak. He forgives those who have faltered and offers life to those who are dying. Proclaim this promise clearly and directly to your hearers; especially to those for whom temptation is pressing.
Part of this promise (indeed, the fullness of this promise) will only be realized at the return of Jesus, which is why your proclamation today and every Sunday should have an eschatological accent. The day is coming when Christ will return to bring eternal rest, joy, and peace for His people. Every instance of rest here and now is, at best, only a glimpse of the eternal rest we will receive in Him.
Additional Resources:
Craft of Preaching-Check out out 1517’s resources on Luke 4:1-13.
Concordia Theology-Various helps from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO to assist you in preaching Luke 4:1-13.
Text Week-A treasury of resources from various traditions to help you preach Luke 4:1-13.
Lectionary Kick-Start-Check out this fantastic podcast from Craft of Preaching authors Peter Nafzger and David Schmitt as they dig into the texts for this Sunday!
Lectionary Podcast-Dr. Arthur Just of Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN walks us through Luke 4:1-13.
The Pastor’s Workshop-Check out all the great preaeching resources from our friends at the Pastor’s Workshop!