1. The “riff-raff” start complaining about the food situation in the wilderness and the people start demanding meat. What was mana like? Was it really that bad?
  2. Paul wants to deliver an offering to the Jewish church. He sends Timothy to the church in Corinth with a letter as a riot breaks out due to the complaints of an idol maker.
  3. Israel is marching through the wilderness led by a cloud of fire. We get some information about the instruments used in worship. Why are trumpets blown over certain sacrifices?
  4. We are introduced to Apollos. He is a good preacher who needs a certain part of his theology tweaked.
  5. Chad and Daniel discuss the Levites becoming a living sacrifice and how it relates to what Paul says later in Romans 12. What are the implications of being part of the priesthood of all believers?
  6. Paul is busy traveling, preaching and making tents.
  7. Chad and Daniel talk about the significance of hair in the Bible. They explore one of the best benedictions in scripture. Is this Aaron’s benediction or God’s?
  8. Paul and Silas are singing in prison when an earthquake opens all the doors. A jailer wants to kill himself but ends up baptizing his family instead.
  9. Chad and Daniel tackle one of the stranger texts in the Old Testament. When a husband suspects his wife of adultery a ritual is put forth to find out the truth.
  10. Chad and Daniel discuss the role of priests, Levites and moving of the temple. What is the connection between the Levites and the Passover? Why is the language of "firstborn" so significant in scripture?
  11. Paul and Barnabas separate in a dispute over John Mark. Timothy is introduced and for some reason Paul has him circumcised.
  12. Chad and Daniel begin the book of Numbers. They talk about what to expect as they work through this book. Why does Israel number their warriors?