1. How big can you build your cross? Or maybe that's not what Jesus wants from his followers. I guess you should listen to find out...
  2. Holy Saturday in the Old Testament.
  3. In this part two, Pastors Riley and Gillespie continue our reading of this contemporary article on the relationship of the Church and State from John MacArthur. 
  4. Marriage, Singleness, and being a bondservant.
  5. Do The Doors Stay Open? John MacArthur addresses the biblical rationale for defying state mandates, and whether the state can prohibit, or put restrictions on, worship.
  6. What’s So Civil About Disobedience? A pastoral debrief that lays the foundation for a discussion about the theological implications for civil disobedience and rebellion.
  7. War, the Ark, and the family of Eli.
  8. Professor and author John Pless joins Craig and Troy to discuss what God calls us to do in our everyday, ordinary lives. The theological name for this is "the doctrine of vocation," but John helps us to see how this is a practical and grace-centered teaching.
  9. God calls Samuel and complicated Eli gets a hard word from the Lord.