1. Practicing Repentance > Practicing Sin
  2. Psalm 101 is a puzzling Psalm. At first glance it can leave us wondering how to respond.
  3. It’s almost midnight, beware of antichrists.
  4. The whole of the Scriptures are interpreted through the lens of the Law and the Gospel.
  5. Love the world, but don’t love the world.
  6. Today on the show, we remember the invention and publication that made Johann Gutenberg “the man of the Millennium.”
  7. Renowned Luther scholar and professor emeritus of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary St. Louis, Dr. Robert Kolb, sits down with Kelsi to discuss two kinds of righteousness (or two fold righteousness).
  8. If you know God, you know you are a sinner.
  9. A better altar and the city yet to come.
  10. The lentil stew of being offended.
  11. Discipline and the author and perfecter of faith.