1. Distinct, But Not Divided. In this episode, we discuss the Christian doctrine of the two kingdoms and its consequences for the Christian life while reading James Nestigen's "The Two Kingdoms Distinction."
  2. Psalm 102 starts out with a description of desolation. Chaos, unrest, shame, desolation among the ruins.
  3. Oftentimes we interpret our prayers through the lens of our emotions, or our passion behind the prayers we pray. When those prayers aren't answered the way we want, we examine the level of passion, or our method of prayer, to see what needs to be fixed.
  4. How to be a commandment keeper.
  5. Everyone feels awkward praying. Performance anxiety and perfectionism can paralyze us in prayer. Praying is not about us, it's about Christ for us.
  6. Practicing Repentance > Practicing Sin
  7. It’s almost midnight, beware of antichrists.
  8. The whole of the Scriptures are interpreted through the lens of the Law and the Gospel.
  9. Love the world, but don’t love the world.
  10. Today on the show, we remember the invention and publication that made Johann Gutenberg “the man of the Millennium.”