1. The year was 1952. We remember Wagih Sobhi Baki Soliman. The reading is from Origen, from his commentary on the Epistle to the Romans.
  2. The year was 1819. We remember American Missionary Pliny Fisk. The reading is from Leslie Newbigin's “Foolishness to the Greeks: The Gospel and Western Culture.”
  3. The year was 1164. We remember Thomas Beckett. The reading is T.S. Eliot's "Murder in the Cathedral."
  4. The year was 1517. We remember Michelangelo's magnum opus, the Sistine Chapel. The reading is from Richard Crashaw, "Christ's Victory."
  5. Just like we end up walking in circles when lost with no navigation instruments, so does humankind outside of Christ. Nothing has changed since the Reformation. People still suck and God still loves.
  6. The year was 1916. We remember Charles Taze Russell. The reading is from Anna Kamienska, “Lack of Faith.”
  7. Humanism, Scholasticism, ad fontes . . . how did we get to the 95 Theses and what does this mean? You can read what Luther never intended you to see in the 95 Theses.
  8. The year was 1680. We remember the mystic, adventurer, and self-proclaimed prophet, Antoinette Bourignon. The reading is from Kate Bowler, "Everything Happens for A Reason, and Other Lies I've Loved."
  9. Sometimes the guilt in us manifests itself in different ways. Whether it's a weight or sadness, anger or venting, blame or defensiveness, we see it in ourselves and we see it in our relationships.