1. Jesus foretells His death more than once and the disciples don’t understand it. Jesus says all who follow Him must take up their cross.
  2. Click on the button with the picture of the Nazi on it. Gillespie and Riley read and discuss an excerpt from Hermann Sasse’s 1932 article against National Socialism. What happens when the message of the church and state are indistinguishable?
  3. Scott and Caleb take a look at listener questions from the month of January. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.
  4. An introduction to the book of Judges and exploration of the first chapter.
  5. Healings, mission trips and how to feed thousands with five loaves of bread and two fish.
  6. Chad and Daniel wrap up the book of Joshua. Idolatry, the "good words" of God, and choosing who you will serve.
  7. Lamps under beds, a raging storm and a demon-possessed man living in a graveyard.
  8. God doesn’t let His promises “fall” but fulfills them all for everyone. How does God having one plan for both Jews and Gentiles shape our eschatology?
  9. A Pharisee invites Jesus over for dinner and a prostitute shows up. How far does the forgiveness of Jesus go?