1. Need a break from philanthropic looting and virtue signaling? Sit down in your nice new Pottery Barn fluffy sofa, grab your oat milk latte from the ‘bucks and join a real revolution: Ringside.
  2. God is not the source of temptation, but He may use our temptations to teach us of HIs grace. Craig and Troy conclude their study on the Lord's Prayer.
  3. In this episode, Paulson discusses the differences between humanist and scholastic dialoge on the limits of freedom.
  4. "Forgive us our sins, as we forgive the sins of others"? How does that work? Craig and Troy dive headfirst into the Fifth Petition of the Lord's Prayer.
  5. Idol Talk. In this episode, we return to Simone Weil’s book, Gravity and Grace. Idolatry is the topic of conversation. What is an idol? In what ways does idolatry infiltrate our churches, and what are the consequences? How do we guard against it?
  6. “Let no one fear death, for the Death of our Savior has set us free. He has destroyed it by enduring it. He destroyed Hell when He descended into it. He put it into an uproar even as it tasted of His flesh. Christ is Risen, and the tomb is emptied of its dead!” - Chrysostom
  7. Into The Mystic. In this episode, we read and discuss the crucifixion as interpreted by Simone Weil, an anarchist, philosopher, and mystic.
  8. The Right Man for The Job. In this episode, we finish reading and discussing Leo the Great’s Lenten sermon about Christ’s two natures. What happens when the old Adam adds to Scripture’s witness to Jesus’ two natures?
  9. On this episode, Dr. Paulson talks about why theologians have to make distinctions.
  10. What does it mean to do everything for the glory of God?
  11. God Really Bodies Our Salvation. In this episode, we read and discuss a Lenten sermon from Leo the Great. What happens when the two natures of Christ are divided?