1. We remember the year 1930 and the death of theologian Adolf Von Harnack. The reading is from Frederick Buechner's "The Clown in the Belfry: Writings on Faith and Fiction."
  2. We remember the year 1732 and the charter of the colony of Georgia. The reading is "Hope" from the Kilmarnock Reader of 1820.
  3. We remember the year 1896 and the death of Jacques Berthieu. The reading is a stanza from the hymn, "Rock of Ages."
  4. We remember the year 1529 and the birth of Etienne Pasquier. The reading is from Luther's Small Catechism, the explanation of the First Article of the Creed.
  5. Chad and Daniel wrap up the book of Judges
  6. We remember the year 1657 and the arrival of the first Lutheran pastor in Colonies. The reading is a sestet from Angelus Silesias.
  7. We remember the year 754 and the death of St. Boniface of Mainz. The reading is a quote from St. Boniface.
  8. Three denials, two swords, and one kiss.
  9. We remember the year 1804 and the poet and pastor Eduard Mörike. The reading is "Wo find Ich Trost" by Mörike.
  10. We remember the year 1980 and the beginning of Catholic & Orthodox dialogue on Patmos. The reading is "In the Person of His Son" by Catesby Paget.
  11. When we are suffering persecutions, falsely accused and battling our own emotions, the truth of His grace is greater than anything that can attack us, including ourown thoughts.
  12. Asking God to be gracious to me, because my enemies are trampling on me.