1. On this day, we remember the birthday of once slaveowner and later abolitionist John Newton, and also the death of C.I. Scofield, famous for his reference Bible. Our reading is "The Old Testament Gospel" by William Cowper.
  2. There's Something About Mary — Gillespie and Riley dive deep into an early church argument about Mary, why a bishop named Nestorius, and Mohammed, rejected the virgin birth, and why it's important to discuss the topic today.
  3. On this day, we recognize the feast of St. Bridget of Sweden. We also remember John Day, 16th century English printer, who died in 1583. Our reading is by George MacDonald, "The Holy Thing."
  4. Today is the feast day for St. Mary Magdalene, the apostle to the Apostles. We also remember the death of Richard Cameron, leader of the Covenanters. Our reading is an excerpt from Robert Farrar Capon's "Between Noon and Three."
  5. On this day, we remember Kazimierz Swiatek, the cardinal who defied Stalin and who died in 2011. We also recognize the Roman Catholic encyclical of 1773, "Dominus Ac Redemptor," which banned the Jesuits. Our reading is "Christ's Childhood" by a Jesuit, Robert Southwell.
  6. We remember on this day the death in 1566 of De las Casas, the original Renaissance man, and the birth in 1304 of Petrarch, the apostle to the Indies. Our reading is "Holy Sonnets: Death, be not proud" by John Donne.
  7. On this day, we remember George Fox, founder of the Society of Friends, and Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade. Our reading is "Hope" by Ann Brönte.
  8. Today is the birthday of Heinrich Bullinger, b. 1504 and author of the Second Helvetic Confession. It is also the birthday of Renaissance painter Carravagio, b.1571. Our reading is "Before the Beginning" by Christina Rossetti.
  9. Fat Camels and Catchy Songs — Gillespie and Riley finish their reading of John of Damascus’ critique of Islam, then jump into the writings of Arius to better understand the foundation of Islam and modern American Christianity.
  10. Today we remember the death in 180AD of the earliest recorded African Christians, the Scillitan Martyrs. Today is also the birthday of J. Vernon McGee, host of "Through the Bible." Our reading is "A Prayer in Old Age" by Siegfried Sassoon.
  11. Did Jesus really descend into hell? And did Peter just say Baptism saves us?