1. Chad and Daniel have to deal with a bunch of odd things in this episode. What do we do with strange laws and how does a body hanging from a tree help us understand?
  2. God is concerned with justice so He puts rules in place for Judges. How does the belief in ONE God separate Israel from the rest of the world?
  3. God tells the people not to do certain things for the sake of the dead and to refrain from eating different animals. Why does God command these things?
  4. What is God's law and what is its purpose? Troy and Craig take on this topic in brief and they explain why this is important for every Christian to understand.
  5. Riley and Gillespie dig into the Doctor Angelicus and his catechism on Baptism.
  6. On episode NINETY-THREE of Let the Bird Fly! the guys were invited to record at The Gathering Series, which is put on by The Point of Grace, a Milwaukee area campus ministry group.
  7. In this episode, Gillespie and Riley read and discuss C.S. Lewis’ thoughts on God being born a man.
  8. In week two of the Advent series, Daniel and Erick are joined by Elyse Fitzpatrick. They look at Luke 1:26-38 and discuss the role of Mary and other women in God’s promise of bringing a savior.
  9. In week one of the Advent series, Daniel and Erick are joined by Pastor Matt Popovits. They discuss the relationship between Isaiah 9, John 1, light coming into darkness and God becoming flesh.
  10. On episode SEVENTY-NINE of Let the Bird Fly! Mike and Wade hang in Wade’s backyard (this was record back when it was warm in Milwaukee still—too long ago!) to discuss an essay by J.P. Koehler, “Legalism Among Us.”