1. Oh goodness, it’s so evil. In this episode, we continue reading and discussing Simone Weil on evil. If God alone is good what does that mean for our understanding of ourselves and the world?
  2. Am I Evil? In this episode, Simone Weil on evil. What is evil, and how is it distinct from what is good? How does our understanding of evil, or our ignorance of it, affect the churches?
  3. In this episode, Paulson discusses the differences between humanist and scholastic dialoge on the limits of freedom.
  4. David knows how to reward cowards.
  5. Awake, O sleeper, and know the difference between law and gospel.
  6. On this episode, Dr. Paulson talks about why theologians have to make distinctions.
  7. Two kings and strange war games.
  8. Walk worthy and speak the truth in love.
  9. David laments the death of Saul and Jonathan.