1. The flesh is weak, but you have the Lord’s Supper.
  2. Dr. Paulson continues working through Paul's use of Exodus in his letter to the Romans.
  3. A widow’s offering and the end of the age.
  4. It's easy to look at our faith through an emotional lens. Are you on an emotional high, or an emotional low? Are you on a mountaintop, or are things silent in the valley? What happens to your faith when you aren't "feeling it."
  5. Give to Caesar and believe in the resurrection.
  6. Jesus rides in to clear the temple out.
  7. Dr. Paulson continues to talk about trial by observing the different ways the story of Abraham has been taught.
  8. Sow, Jesus seeds a parable and a pun, and lettuce understand. But when the corn grows, what ears hear and what ears don't?
  9. The right and left hand of God’s glory.
  10. Everyone must enter heaven like a child.
  11. Kingdom greatness and cutting off your hand.