1. Sane People Would Pay Top Dollar for This Kind of Podcast. Gillespie, Riley, and special guest Chad Bird read from his book, "Your God is Too Glorious." They then discuss baptism, suffering, and vocation.
  2. Daniel and Erick continue in Luke with the birth of John. Zachariah finally speaks and there is much to discuss in what he says.
  3. He has a way of expressing himself that could make a wolverine purr. Gillespie and Riley hijack their own podcast to pay tribute to their theological hero, Norman Nagel, by reading his article, “The Spirit’s Gifts in the Confessions and in Corinth.”
  4. Gabriel appears to Mary with the shocking announcement that she is to be the mother of the Son of God. How should we view Mary?
  5. Daniel and Erick begin the Gospel of Luke in this episode. After some introduction, they discuss the promise of the birth of John the baptizer.
  6. Daniel and Erick wrap up Paul’s letter to the Philippians. He can “do all things through Christ”, what does that statement mean for him and us?
  7. Paul says he hasn’t yet obtained perfection but is certain he will, but not because of anything he has done.
  8. Paul calls teachers of certain doctrines “dogs” and “evil-doers” and says to be on the look-out for them.
  9. In this episode we take a closer look at the Bible story of the Flood in Genesis 6-9.
  10. Daniel and Erick are recording live from The Belmont Hotel in Dallas, Texas!
  11. In this episode we have a conversation about the new earth!
  12. In this episode we talk about the gifts God gives His church, even in the midst of an unbelieving world.