1. Jesus proves His divinity by not only being master over creation, but in being master of life and death. Peter proves both his faith and faithlessness by putting his eyes on Jesus and then immediately taking them back off.
  2. The flesh is weak, but you have the Lord’s Supper.
  3. Sons of Saul and giants are slain.
  4. A widow’s offering and the end of the age.
  5. Herod fulfills his promise so that Jesus can fulfill His; John decreases, Jesus increases.
  6. John Hoyum joins Caleb Keith to answer some listener questions.
  7. A sword in the stomach and a head over the wall.
  8. Give to Caesar and believe in the resurrection.
  9. In this episode Gretchen and Katie get to as Kelsi Klembara about the practical implications of giving assurance. To put it another way, what is the fruit of giving assurance?