1. Luther’s short sermon on the second article of the Apostles’ Creed is short but significant in its call that Christ and this article be constantly preached throughout the year.
  2. If you know who God is… you can sit.
  3. Dr. Paulson closes out chapter five of Luther's Outlaw God.
  4. Put down all the other documents you take for granted, light a cuban, drip some water on your sugar sitting in spoon over your Pernod’s, and consider the possibility that God’s thoughts are recorded down on papyrus.
  5. Caleb is joined by John Hoyum and Kelsi Klembara to talk about Luther’s explanation of the first article of the Apostles Creed.
  6. What is lacking in Christ's afflictions?
  7. Who is going to build who a house?
  8. Dr. Paulson talks about the importance of distinguishing between Law and Gospel.
  9. Jesus is Lord, even of little Colossae.
  10. Mike and Wade give an introduction to some of the teachings of Christ Mike's THE 105 course.
  11. Mike and Wade discuss the second article of the Apostles' Creed in light of Luther's Large Catechism.
  12. Mike and Wade discuss the two kingdoms (or spheres, realms, etc.) and the Christian life as part of both church and state in light of the fourth chapter of Althaus' The Ethics of Martin Luther for Wade's PHI 201 course.