1. Free Will Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be. In this episode, more from Luther’s Galatians lectures. This week, God’s will, free will, identity, and taking the moral low ground.
  2. Free For It All. This week on the podcast, we continue our Lenten series on Christian freedom in Martin Luther’s Galatians lectures. In this episode, Gospel, Satan, and competing freedoms.
  3. You ARE salt and light. By our new nature in Christ, we do salty and light things. But how is God glorified in the things that we do? https://bookofconcord.org/sources-and-context/heidelberg-disputation/
  4. Lent Is About Freedom. In this episode, we read Martin Luther’s 1525 Galatians commentary. Why is freedom a vulgar word to the old Adam? And we consider why freedom must be Lent's primary focus for Christians.
  5. Mercy, peace, and pureness of heart are not something we find in ourselves, but we find them in Christ, and in Christ we are found to be all those things.
  6. Like needing to find a bathroom, the urgency of preaching the presence of God’s kingdom should be felt in the very inner being of every pastor. Not that anything has changed, but God is definitely demonstrating the vulnerability of sinners to the masses. The harvest is now!
  7. Dr. Paulson outlines the issues with Anselm's propositions on free will. The show ends with a conversation about Christian freedom and service to neighbor.