1. You ARE salt and light. By our new nature in Christ, we do salty and light things. But how is God glorified in the things that we do? https://bookofconcord.org/sources-and-context/heidelberg-disputation/
  2. Mercy, peace, and pureness of heart are not something we find in ourselves, but we find them in Christ, and in Christ we are found to be all those things.
  3. The Beatitudes aren't veiled Law, but pure gracious Gospel. Jesus tells us we are blessed when we are found in Him.
  4. Like needing to find a bathroom, the urgency of preaching the presence of God’s kingdom should be felt in the very inner being of every pastor. Not that anything has changed, but God is definitely demonstrating the vulnerability of sinners to the masses. The harvest is now!
  5. In between boarding up your windows and hauling 5 lb. drums of peanut butter down to your basement, grab a hot rum toddy, pull your muck boots up, and inject yourself with a little reality in Jesus with the Preachers.