1. Before Paul is sent to Rome he stands before King Agrippa. We see how politics come into play as the leaders try to figure out what to do.
  2. Forty men make an oath not to eat until they kill Paul and put together a plan to carry it out. The Tribune won’t go along with the plot and instead sends Paul to the Governor.
  3. Paul asks to speak to his accusers and recounts the events that led him there. He says some amazing things about baptism but when he includes God sending him to the Gentiles, the crowd freaks out.
  4. Judgement is not a fun topic to talk about, usually. Fortunately we have the Rev Bill Cwirla who was not only a lot of fun, but actually turned judgement into a hopeful doctrine!
  5. Paul is headed out, but there seems to be some contradictions concerning whether God wants him to go or not. How do we deal with these texts?
  6. Paul wants to deliver an offering to the Jewish church. He sends Timothy to the church in Corinth with a letter as a riot breaks out due to the complaints of an idol maker.
  7. We are introduced to Apollos. He is a good preacher who needs a certain part of his theology tweaked.
  8. Paul and Silas are singing in prison when an earthquake opens all the doors. A jailer wants to kill himself but ends up baptizing his family instead.
  9. Have you ever wondered how the earth began? Cindy and her children talk through some of the First Theories commonly taught such as the Big Bang theory, evolution, and comparing it to the reasonableness of a Creator.
  10. The Bible tells the story of the First man and woman in Genesis 1 and 2. Cindy and her children will discuss the gifts God gave to both of his people in their special creation.
  11. In this episode, Cindy and her children will unpack the tragic story found in Genesis 3, the fall into sin. Here we will meet the sneaky Serpent, discover his evil lies, and identify the First Doubt that afflicted God’s creation.
  12. The story continues in Genesis 3 when Cindy and her children talk about God’s curses on His Creation: the First Consequences for Sin. Together they will discover how God’s good creation changed, not only for the first man and woman, but also for us today.