1. Jesus has some words regarding saltiness before having the Pharisees complain His choice of dinner guests. Jesus has three parables to tell about the pursuing love of God and what repentance is really all about.
  2. Jesus tells people not to exalt themselves or they will end up humbled and tells a parable about throwing banquets. The Kingdom of God continues to look more and more upside-down. God is determined to have His house full and Jesus tells us to hate our families.
  3. Jesus compares the kingdom of God to seemingly common and insignificant things. Someone wants to know how many people will be saved and Jesus responds in an interesting way. What does it mean to enter through the narrow door? Jesus laments over Jerusalem and another person is healed on the Sabbath.
  4. Scott and Caleb are joined by pastor Bob Hiller to talk about his book Christ in the Straw. The book serves as a devotional commentary through James. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.
  5. Jesus says He is distressed over a certain baptism and division will follow Him. People want to know about degrees of sinners, but Jesus blows apart all ideas of Karma. And a woman is healed on the Sabbath, but the rulers of the synagogue find it impossible to rejoice.
  6. Anxiety, big barns, and the folly of assuring your own soul.
  7. Jesus goes to a Pharisee’s house for dinner where He serves up a heavy portion of law.
  8. Jesus tells a parable about a “Good Samaritan” in response to a lawyer trying to trap Him.
  9. I mean, if you spend all day shuffling words around, you can make anything sound bad. Gillespie and Riley finish their discussion of the book, Mission to Nuremberg. What happens when a pastor is called to minister to Nazi war criminals? This is the third of three episodes, where we talk about the power of the Gospel, state-sponsored religion, and pastoral care when it's attacked from outside and within the church.
  10. There's a lesson here and we're not going to be the ones to figure it out. What happens when a pastor is called to minister to Nazi war criminals? This is the second of three episodes, where we talk about the power of the Gospel, state-sponsored religion, and pastoral care when it's attacked from outside and within the church.