1. War, What Is It Good For? In this episode, Augustine’s theology of war is introduced.
  2. Paul continues to expose the divisions in the Corinthian church, mixing in some sarcasm.
  3. God remembers Hannah and she bears a son and names him Samuel.
  4. Paul continues to explain how division is contrary to the foundation of Christ crucified. Some who have now thought themselves wise need to look at the foolishness of God again. And Paul isn’t concerned with the judgment of men.
  5. Is This The Real Life... In this double-length episode, Riley and Gillespie ask what are the consequences for not grounding our preaching, teaching, prayer, and worship in concrete reality as revealed by God’s Word of law and Gospel?
  6. Chad and Daniel begin the book of 1 Samuel in this episode
  7. Paul explains the power of the gospel regardless of the weaknesses of its preacher. The Corinthians are Christians, but they are still infants with much to learn. Humanness is raging in Corinth, but Paul is rooting every good promise in Christ.
  8. Pure Evil Hidden in Plain Sight. Human trafficking, sexual abuse, and how the Church can engage with and fight against Satanic evil.
  9. Chad and Daniel wrap up the book of Ruth in this episode.
  10. It’s Not Like You Can Change History Just Because Your Feelings Are Hurt... Right? Riley and Gillespie discuss history, feelings, and canceling the cancelers with God’s Word, all this in preparation for part two on human trafficking.