1. In this episode of The Outlaw God, Dr. Paulson outlines the issues with deism.
  2. A Total Eclipse of The Heart. In this episode, we discuss preaching to bound wills, and the consequences for both preachers and listeners, as we read Steven Paulson’s essay, Preaching Categorically to Bound Wills.
  3. Dr. Paulson outlines some of the major interpretive issues of modern Bible historians.
  4. Today on the Christian History Almanac podcast, we remember a Walloon, a Reformer, and an important 16th c. Confession of Faith.
  5. Dr. Paulson discusses how some theology distrusts the literal meaning of Scripture.
  6. Today on the Christian History Almanac podcast, we head to the mailbag to answer a question about the early church.
  7. Riley Suffers An Aneurysm.  In this episode, we discuss the topic of the will while reading Anselm’s treatise on free will and its ramifications for faith, piety, and pastoral care.
  8. Today on the Christian History Almanac podcast, we tell the story of a real, not metaphorical, trial by fire.
  9. I’ve Got That Joy, Joy, Joy, Down in My Heart. In this episode, we discuss death, rebirth, and eternal life as examined and explained in The Joy of Eternal Life by Philip Nikolai.
  10. Is It True, Or Is It Truly True? In this episode, we discuss election, true and false church, law, mercy, and why we can’t stop judging the Gospel as we read Philip Melanchthon’s 1541 commentary on Paul’s letter to the Romans.