1. Mike and Wade discuss stations and vocations in light of the third chapter of The Ethics of Martin Luther by Paul Althaus, an assigned text for Wade's PHI 201 course.
  2. Mike and Wade sit down to discuss Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault, two philosophers who will challenge you to ask questions that you didn't even know you had, as well as some that you will probably decide you still don't have.
  3. Dr. Paulson describes Luther's confidence when writing to Erasmus.
  4. Dr. Paulson ties up his outline of Aquinas on free will with a discussion of Romans 6:18.
  5. Dr. Paulson and Caleb continue their conversation about free will and Thomas Aquinas.
  6. Get behind me bourgie theology! Pick up your cross and turn on your radio to Ringside Preachers. Talking about Rush Limbaugh’s legacy, shaking hands like a man and not a fish, and you-know-who: Jesus.
  7. Craig and Troy tackle the issue that has caused so many first-year seminarians untold sleepless nights: When Jesus was tempted, could He actually have sinned?
  8. Satan had so much success in deceiving the first Adam he figures he can do the same with the Second Adam. But Jesus won't play Satan's game according to Satan's rules.
  9. What is the solution to the accusation of the Law?
  10. Dr. Paulson introduces Anslem and his contributions to Scholastic theology.