1. What is it mean to be blessed? What does it mean to bless others? In this episode, we talk about the power of words, and the power of the gospel given through words.
  2. You Know, The Next Thing. In this episode, we continue reading Robert Capon’s The Mystery of Christ, and Why We Don’t Get It. We further discuss pastoral care, exegesis, the purpose of theology, and where Christian preaching points us.
  3. According to the make believe wokeness-ometer, Jesus qualifies as the most authoritative voice because he was the most oppressed. Poor Jew, not from Jerusalem, under Roman rule, betrayed by his own, even his friends, killed because of his identity. Listen to him.
  4. Mike and Wade discuss the life of Christ, using select accounts from the Gospels to illustrate aspects of His person and work for Mike's THE 105 course.
  5. Wade and Mike sit down to discuss the Pauline Epistles. They walk through some of the specifics, but generally attempt to take an overview of what Paul seems to be doing in his letters and why his writing is so important to the church.
  6. How does one share the gospel on social media?
  7. Need a break from philanthropic looting and virtue signaling? Sit down in your nice new Pottery Barn fluffy sofa, grab your oat milk latte from the ‘bucks and join a real revolution: Ringside.
  8. Mike finds his way over to Wade's backyard, to discuss the beauty of the Church with Wade and two of Wade's daughters. Before getting to the main topic, the Johnston girls discuss their summer and what they're excited for with the upcoming school year (and Mike says something too).