1. Does Jesus not care if we are perishing?
  2. In this episode, Gretchen and Katie tackle a question from a listener about baptism. What do we believe? What does it mean? What does it do?
  3. Is Scripture clear? Dr. Paulson talks about the internal and external clarity of Scripture.
  4. The death of David’s son and the birth of Solomon
  5. Jesus does Jesus stuff, but more Jesus workers are needed to do Jesus stuff, so Jesus apostles His disciples so that more Jesus stuff can get done . . . or something like that.
  6. “Religion is predicated on the idea that our time here is short and should be shorter, that our job is to bring on the end of days. This is just a veil of tears and guilt and shame. This, the only life we have—the only life we have that contains music and art and literature and solidarity and sex and love—all of this should be swept away. We can’t wait for the end times to come. That’s what they all have to believe.”
  7. Only God creates clean hearts.
  8. Dr. Paulson spends time explaining how Luther and Erasmus approach Scripture.
  9. The Sabbath and the unforgivable sin.