1. Wade and Mike welcome guest Rev. Daniel Waldschmidt of St. John’s Lutheran in Burlington, WI in order to discuss the New Perspective on Paul. Rev. Waldschmidt patiently explains to the guys what this new view of St. Paul entails. While this topic is complicated, Rev. Waldschmidt does a nice job of explaining the basics of this view and how it doesn’t match up with the traditional Reformation reading of St. Paul and his epistles.
  2. Wade and Mike sit down to discuss the Pauline Epistles. They walk through some of the specifics, but generally attempt to take an overview of what Paul seems to be doing in his letters and why his writing is so important to the church.
  3. Mike is joined by Rev. Greg Lyon once again, this time to discuss the role of Law & Gospel on a college campus and especially the relentless draw of the opinio legis. Rev. Lyon has the unique perspective of serving students on a college campus as their campus pastor. And yet despite the unique time in the lives of these young adults, it's no surprise that even here opinio legis rears its ugly and persistent head.
  4. Servants, Masters, and the Armor of God.
  5. Need a break from philanthropic looting and virtue signaling? Sit down in your nice new Pottery Barn fluffy sofa, grab your oat milk latte from the ‘bucks and join a real revolution: Ringside.
  6. Awake, O sleeper, and know the difference between law and gospel.