1. Before his death in 1532 Ulrich Zwingli led a more radical reform than those in Wittenberg. Zwingli was not only a theologian, but also a humanist, and a soldier ultimately leading to his death on the battlefield.
  2. Should we sin because we are not under law? How do you talk about the law, the gospel and grace in light of the fact that we still sin?
  3. On episode NINETY-THREE of Let the Bird Fly! the guys were invited to record at The Gathering Series, which is put on by The Point of Grace, a Milwaukee area campus ministry group.
  4. Paul sees an objection to the gospel he just laid out in chapter 5 coming and gets in front of it. Should we sin to increase grace?
  5. Paul describes the relationship between Adam/Sin and Jesus/righteousness. Why is a clean slate not enough?
  6. This week, we read from Bo Giertz’s novel, “The Hammer of God,” and discuss belief, revivalism versus liturgy, and what happens when Jesus alone is the focus of all our attention.