1. Daniel Emery Price and Erick Sorensen talk with Chad Bird about his Christmas/Communion hymn, The Infant Priest Was Holy Born.
  2. Break the cycle. Rise above. Focus on Christ in the manger. In their monumental 100th episode, Gillespie and Riley read and discuss G.K. Chesterton’s “The Christmas Ballads.” This episode, it’s a lot of incarnation talk and a few rabbit trails along the way.
  3. Meet God in the flesh. Troy and Craig have a Merry Christmas program revolving around the Gospels of Luke and John as they discuss many facets of God in the flesh, in the face of Christ as He became one of us. Behold the Son of God and the Son of Mary who has come to be the final sacrifice of all time to give His salvation for you.
  4. Jesus is born, and His birth is proclaimed to shepherds which includes good news for all of us.
  5. Gabriel appears to Mary with the shocking announcement that she is to be the mother of the Son of God. How should we view Mary?
  6. I like to think of Jesus as a mischievous badger. Gillespie and Riley again read and discuss C.S. Lewis' The Joyful Christian. This episode, the Incarnation. Do we go far enough with Jesus' incarnation, to where He wants us to go with him?
  7. It’s inconceivable! Gillespie and Riley continue to read and discuss Robert Capon’s “The Mystery of Christ... and why we don’t get it.” Faith, works, and more Christian absurdity.
  8. Would You Like to Play a Game? Gillespie and Riley return to Robert Capon to read and discuss the incarnation of Jesus and how we try to turn free grace into a transaction.
  9. In this episode, Gillespie and Riley read and discuss C.S. Lewis’ thoughts on God being born a man.
  10. The Brutal, Humiliating, Joyous Christmas Gospel! Gillespie and Riley return this week with another episode dedicated to Martin Luther's Christmas sermon. This time, they dig into the underlying brutality of the Christmas Gospel, Mary's humiliation, and Joseph's dilemma.
  11. Christmas: the Perfect Time of Year for a Theologian of the Cross! In this episode, Gillespie and Riley read from a Christmas sermon by their favorite heretic, Martin Luther. They discuss Mary's example of how God makes theologians of the cross through suffering, oppression, weakness, and hopelessness.
  12. Christmas Eve, Dr. Keith and Caleb take the opportunity to discuss the significance and balance in celebrating Christmas.