1. Throughout this magnificent chapter, we have meditated on the ways of God, the benefits of walking with God, staying close to Him and learning from Him. Now as we get to the end of the chapter we see that we are all like lost sheep, and we all desperately need the salvation given to us through Christ. THe Psalm ist says "let Your hand helpme, for I have chosen Your precepts". We see the goal but only Christ has accomplished this.  The talented Markita Knight sings "Bring Me Home"
  2. Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for listening throughout this year. We wish all of you a joyful Thanksgiving.Linda McCrary sings "Long Have I Known"
  3. We are in continual need of hearing the testimonies of God's goodness. In this episode Chad speaks such encouraging words, words that bring hope, because our hope is in the One who formed us for Himself. Bryan Duncan sings "The House of Your Word".
  4. Blake Flattley and Flame join Caleb and Bruce to discuss their new album, Freedom Lessons.
  5. For a little while, lower than the angels.
  6. Next weekend we get back on track for the last 3 episodes of Psalm 119. But for this weekend let's pause and consider the great cost of our salvation, namely the suffering Holy one, who took the sins of the whole upon Himself. The talented Kris Winrich sings "Why Have You Forsaken Me".
  7. Repent, and avoid all of this.
  8. This week is a throwback to season 3 and Psalm 5. Chad has great words of compassion and encouragement. our lives our in good hands if we rest in the care of our heavenly Father. The next 3 weeks will be the ending sections of Psalm 119. Rebekah Caggegi sings "In the Morning".
  9. The power of the words that procede from the mouth of God. Wow, Chad has lots of gems in this podcast. Rebekah Caggegi sings "I Love Your Words".
  10. Turn around and take me with you.
  11. This selection of Psalm 119 can be pretty confusing, seemingly arrogant and boastful. Chad explains all this and Colin Heinrich sings "The Narrow Way".