1. Chad and Daniel quickly move through chapter 7 and get into chapter 8 of Leviticus. What is a "free will" offering? What is the significance of the ordination of Priests?
  2. Just in time for Holy Week, Daniel and Erick have come to Matthew's account of the death and burial of Jesus.
  3. Chad and Daniel talk about the word "Law" or "Torah" in the old testament and why understanding it matters. How is holiness contagious? What is Jesus really doing when he heals people?
  4. This week Daniel and Erick talk about the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus. What is going on with the scarlet robe and crown of thorns?
  5. Dr. Keith travels to Minnesota and has a wild conversation with Donovan Riley.
  6. Daniel and Erick talk about Judas "repenting" for the betrayal of Jesus. The terrible response of the religious leaders and the end result of misapplying Law & Gospel.
  7. What does Leviticus have to say about the sacramental nature of the sacrificial system? How does it show us God's desire that everyone be forgiven regardless of who they were?
  8. Jesus is brought before the religious leaders. People are lying about Him but it's the truth that ultimately offends everyone.
  9. As the last confession in the Book of Concord, the Formula of Concord strove to unite a Lutherans around a standard set of answers regarding doctrinal controversy.
  10. Chad and Daniel explore how God has made a way to deal with sin. What is going on in the Old Testament sin offering? What is it pointing to?
  11. The Theology of the Cross is a recurring theme on the Thinking Fellows.
  12. Peter is certain he will not abandon Jesus. None of the disciples can stay awake and pray when asked to.