1. Daniel and Erick finish up Matthew 5 in this episode. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, love your enemies, give to those who ask... they talk about all of it and how it throws us on Christ.
  2. Lust, adultery, divorce, oaths, Daniel and Erick talk about it all as they continue to look at Jesus' sermon on the mount.
  3. Daniel and Erick spend this episode discussing the Law of God, what Jesus says about it and what His relationship to it is. Jesus is cranking the Law up but it's all to drive us to Himself.
  4. Daniel and Erick spend this episode talking about what it means to be "persecuted for righteousness" and how Christians are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
  5. 40 Minutes in the Old Testament and 30 Minutes in the New Testament have come together for the Christ Hold Fast Christmas Special!
  6. This week Daniel and Erick start making their way through the sermon on the mount.
  7. Daniel and Erick talk about Jesus picking up the message of John after his arrest, the strange place He starts His ministry and the calling of the first disciples.
  8. Daniel and Erick talk about Jesus being led into the wilderness to be tempted, the way the Devil goes about it and how Jesus overcomes it.
  9. Daniel and Erick explore the Baptism of Jesus. Why was He baptized? Why is righteousness at stake? What does it say about our repentance?
  10. John the Baptizer is preaching in the wilderness, tons of people are getting baptized, the mountains are being laid low and John tells the religious leaders about one who will baptize with fire.
  11. Daniel and Erick wrap up Matthew chapter 2 talking about Jesus in Egypt, the slaughter of the Jewish infants and what it means to grow up in Galilee.
  12. How wise were the wise men? What's up with gold, frankincense, and myrrh? God supernaturally preserves Jesus. They talk about all these things and more.