1. The Pharisees try to test Jesus with a question about divorce. There is a lot cultural context needed to explain the motivation of the question and why Jesus' response is so scandalous.
  2. What is the purpose of the ornateness of the tabernacle? What is going on with everything the priests and high priest have wear?
  3. The Thinking Fellows are joined by Dr. Jim Nestingen and Rev. John Pless to talk about their new book titled The Necessary Distinction.
  4. In this episode Daniel and Erick cover Peter asking Jesus how many time he must forgive someone. Jesus gives an answer more extreme than Peter would have ever considered
  5. This episode spends most of the 40 minutes talking about the veil. What was it's duel purpose? Why was it torn from top to bottom at Christ's death?
  6. "What Drove Luther's Hammer" is a look behind the curtain of Martin Luther's reasons for reform.
  7. Cutting off body parts to avoid sin? Jesus has some strong words about temptation and the horrors of sin this week
  8. It's a whole lot about trees, light and Holy Spirit this week. Chad Bird and Daniel Emery Price take a closer at the lampstand and discuss the sevenfold Spirit of God and God's use of trees through the scriptures.
  9. Chad Bird and Daniel Emery Price continue talking about the Bread of the Presence. What does it have to do with the Lord's supper, the Trinity and Holiness?
  10. Jesus talks more about His death and resurrection. The disciples are still distressed. Why does the resurrection seem to be completely missed by them?
  11. What does Jesus mean by "Taking up your cross and following Him?" Where is it that we die? Some will not see death until they Jesus in His glory.
  12. Get ready for the Ark of the Covenant! Chad Bird and Daniel Emery Price talk a lot about the construction of the Ark and what God is pointing to in it.