1. Is Proverbs 31 inspiring or burdening to women? Is it a passage that's just for women? What do you think when you think about Proverbs 31? Where is the gospel in this passage?
  2. Who’s Running the Verbs of Grace? In this episode, we discuss Augustine’s defense of God’s grace against the Pelagians, with a healthy dose of Reformation theology added for seasoning.
  3. God Doesn’t Do Prophet-sharing. In this episode, we discuss Gerhard von Rad’s explanation of a prophet’s freedom and lack of choice regarding his call and proclamation. What’s at stake for preachers, and all Christians, when God calls us to speak a specific word, to a specific people, at a specific time according to his decision?
  4. In this episode, Paulson discusses why God hides the Gospel.
  5. We interview our friend, Lore Ferguson Wilbert, to discuss her new book "Curious Faith."
  6. From the 4 corners of the cross, Christ’s gift of redemption spreads throughout the earth, throughout the generations, and is perpetually praised in the celestial realm.
  7. What was the significance of the women at the tomb? Did they just happen to be in the right place at the right time, or did Jesus intentionally seek them out first?
  8. We invited Old Testament and Hebrew scholar, Chad Bird, to talk to us about Proverbs 31. This passage talking about a wife of noble character is often discussed in women's Bible studies or events. It's used to inspire, accuse, exhaust, or at least show us some kind of standard that we feel we can never reach.
  9. Dr. Paulson has one more Christmas story from Luther to share.
  10. Tradition in service of the gospel is good. Demanding the gospel serve tradition shows the filth of your heart.
  11. In this episode, Katie and Gretchen attempt to define 2 separate terms: Christian freedom and American freedom.