1. Divide by Two, but Add by One. In this episode, we discuss Nestorius’ sermon on whether Mary was Theotokos or not and what happens when one tries to comment on the two natures of God using Greek philosophy to exegete Scripture.
  2. On this episode, Dr. Paulson discusses how sin and the devil are not compulsory forces.
  3. God Doesn’t Do Prophet-sharing. In this episode, we discuss Gerhard von Rad’s explanation of a prophet’s freedom and lack of choice regarding his call and proclamation. What’s at stake for preachers, and all Christians, when God calls us to speak a specific word, to a specific people, at a specific time according to his decision?
  4. In this episode, Paulson continues to talk about Psalm 73 and man's will as a donkey.
  5. In this episode, The Thinking Fellows address the idea that the Reformation is not worthy of celebration but is lamentable.
  6. In this episode, Dr. Paulson outlines Luther's assertion that the human creature is a beast of burden. Paulson talks about what it means to be a servile donkey. Who is the donkey's master?
  7. We interview our friend, Lore Ferguson Wilbert, to discuss her new book "Curious Faith."
  8. In the first Outside Ourselves episode, Kelsi chats with author, David Zahl, about his newest book, Low Anthropology.
  9. When it comes to the theology of the body, it's interesting to consider the fight against aging.
  10. Caleb, Scott, and Adam discuss the idea of challenging and complex tasks.
  11. Craig and Troy launch into a new mini-series on their favorite Scriptures . . . the ones that are the central themes of the faith
  12. In this episode, Paulson helps listeners envision Luther's idea that the preacher is a "long-bowman" taking aim at the heart.