1. Drowning The Branch Manager for Christ. In this episode, we discuss Jonah, ministry, and the aches and pains of church life while reading Eugene Peterson’s book, Under The Unpredictable Plant.
  2. Craig and Troy finish up the short series on offenses given and received. Today they look at the offense of false teaching, and how the church should respond to it.
  3. Dr. Paulson discusses how some theology distrusts the literal meaning of Scripture.
  4. Today on the Christian History Almanac podcast, we head to the mailbag to answer a question about the early church.
  5. Who Controls Baptism? In this episode, we discuss the baptismal controversy in the early church. Cyprian, Novation, and a whole cloud of witnesses join us on the podcast this week.
  6. What responsibilities do individual Christians and their churches possess to fight against an antagonistic culture?
  7. Riley Suffers An Aneurysm.  In this episode, we discuss the topic of the will while reading Anselm’s treatise on free will and its ramifications for faith, piety, and pastoral care.
  8. Today on the Christian History Almanac podcast, we tell the story of a real, not metaphorical, trial by fire.
  9. Are We Just Rats in a Maze? In this episode, we discuss grief, mourning, death, and hope while reading C.S. Lewis’s book, A Grief Observed.
  10. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWO, Mike, Jason, Wade, and Chad Walta discuss bilingual urban ministry in Milwaukee.
  11. I’ve Got That Joy, Joy, Joy, Down in My Heart. In this episode, we discuss death, rebirth, and eternal life as examined and explained in The Joy of Eternal Life by Philip Nikolai.