1. Our goal is to proclaim the genuine good news—that’s what “Gospel” means—of Christ’s forgiveness for you. We do not offer you better tips, techniques or checklists. Instead, You Are Forgiven is sermons by faithful pastors who will clearly show how you cannot be forgiven by your own efforts, no matter how well you do on your homework, your checklist of tasks. But they will also show how you are actually and already forgiven because Jesus has done all that is needed, for you!
  2. This is a live recording from the 2018 Here We Still Stand Conference. Chad and Daniel are joined by guests Erick Sorenson and Michael Heiser to discuss Numbers 21:4-9.
  3. You say "Catholic" church, I say "Christian" church. This clause of the creed is sometimes changed in Protestant churches to keep people from being confused, but we think you can handle the original, rich meaning of the term instead of a sectarian interpretation. The Rev. Del Campbell, who could have filled two episodes with stories and anecdotes, joined the show to discuss the gospel hope found in this clause.
  4. Miriam and Aaron get a little big for their britches and speak against Moses. What does this have with Moses’ Cushite wife and the fact that others are prophesying?
  5. Our goal is to proclaim the genuine good news—that’s what “Gospel” means—of Christ’s forgiveness for you. We do not offer you better tips, techniques or checklists. Instead, You Are Forgiven is sermons by faithful pastors who will clearly show how you cannot be forgiven by your own efforts, no matter how well you do on your homework, your checklist of tasks. But they will also show how you are actually and already forgiven because Jesus has done all that is needed, for you!
  6. Paul is headed out, but there seems to be some contradictions concerning whether God wants him to go or not. How do we deal with these texts?
  7. Recently, Dr. Keith traveled to an LCMS district conference to talk about fatherhood. While at the conference he gathered pastors Paul Koch, Darrin Sheek, and Edward Killian to talk about why we preach.
  8. The “riff-raff” start complaining about the food situation in the wilderness and the people start demanding meat. What was mana like? Was it really that bad?
  9. Paul wants to deliver an offering to the Jewish church. He sends Timothy to the church in Corinth with a letter as a riot breaks out due to the complaints of an idol maker.
  10. Israel is marching through the wilderness led by a cloud of fire. We get some information about the instruments used in worship. Why are trumpets blown over certain sacrifices?
  11. We are introduced to Apollos. He is a good preacher who needs a certain part of his theology tweaked.
  12. Chad and Daniel discuss the Levites becoming a living sacrifice and how it relates to what Paul says later in Romans 12. What are the implications of being part of the priesthood of all believers?