1. Confident in the good and gracious will of God revealed not by reason but by Christ, Christians are free for the vocation of citizenship without nationalistic idolatry.
  2. Like the Apostle Paul, Thielicke’s preaching extols the truth that in life and in death, we belong to the Lord.
  3. Because Immanuel is with us, we can pray with boldness and confidence, that is, with the courage born of faith.
  4. It might be said of Thielicke’s preaching of the parables, he does not throw sticks of dynamite, but sets little time bombs which explode, sometimes in unexpected ways, in the minds and hearts of those who hear him.
  5. Helmut Thielicke had lived on the borderline between life and death enduring a life-threatening illness in his youth and confronting the perpetually present carnage of World War Two. He ministered to a skeptical generation that teetered on the borderline between faith and unbelief.

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