1. Augustine makes plain that the overarching aim of style is not to be showy; it’s to be an instrument of Spirit-led persuasion.
  2. Neither attentive note-taking, nor appreciative head-nods, nor even sympathetic tears satisfy the purpose of preaching. Only lives that are changed by the Word working in the hearts of God’s people can do that.
  3. Peterson would have us see each sermon embedded in the community of the faithful. No sermon stands alone because its context is not merely the liturgy, much less an online livestream, but the life together of God’s people.
  4. Clarity enables mobility. When preachers make the message clear, the people of God are freed-up to follow Jesus.
  5. Strategic silence is a sanctified stall tactic which benefits both the preacher and the pew-sitter. It is not just dead air.

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