1. Does God Care Whether We’re Good or Bad? We conclude our discussion of Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. If Christians live in enemy territory, as Lewis writes, how does that affect the defense of our faith? Do we have free will, and why would God give us free will if he knew we’d eat from Eden’s tree? What does conscience have to do with our relationship with God and one another?
  2. Let’s Fight! In this episode, we read and discuss C.S. Lewis’ popular book: Mere Christianity. What do Christians believe? How do we discuss religion, good and evil, God and the devil, and why Christianity isn’t something anyone would ever think to invent?
  3. When it comes to the theology of the body, it's interesting to consider the fight against aging.
  4. Caleb, Scott, and Adam discuss the idea of challenging and complex tasks.
  5. Singing in Tune, But Singing The Wrong Song... In this episode, we conclude our discussion of Revelation by Flannery O’Connor. How does a theologian of the cross reveal the truth to people who don’t want to listen? Paradox, misdirection, and revelation.
  6. We are discussing the fruit of the Spirit with our friend, Jessica Thompson, from the prespective of how this list describes how God loves us.
  7. A Christ-Haunted Parable... In this episode, we discuss faith, segregation, and the Christ-haunted south as described by Flannery O’Connor in her short story, Revelation. What happens to us when we discuss race, gender, class, and culture apart from Christ Jesus? What does it mean that the churches are Christ-haunted? What happens when the churches are quiet about what God’s Word says to a nation’s leaders, clergy, and people?
  8. For our 101st episode, we are answering more listener questions, since we received so many.
  9. You Silver-tongues Devil... We conclude our discussion of Dostoevsky’s dialogue between Ivan Karamazov and the devil from the Brothers Karamazov.
  10. Speak if The Devil… In this episode, we discuss Ivan Karamazov’s argument with the devil from Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel, The Brothers Karamazov. How do we recognize the evil one when he comes to us, mainly when he portrays himself as someone who wants what’s best for us?
  11. Craig and Troy launch into a new mini-series on their favorite Scriptures . . . the ones that are the central themes of the faith