1. Dr. Paulson outlines some of the major interpretive issues of modern Bible historians.
  2. Partiality isn’t a fruit of faith.
  3. We are excited to welcome the rapper, Flame, onto the podcast to share about the idea of vocation, and where our good works belong.
  4. The implanted Word does the work.
  5. Diving for Gomers. In this episode, we have a much-needed conversation about slavery to sin, Ezekiel’s whore metaphor for God’s relationship with his people, and why it’s important that Christians not shy away from difficult conversations about how God describes sin and grace in the Bible.
  6. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-ONE, Mike, Jason, and Wade discuss systems, faces, and vocations.
  7. Ask IN faith and ask FOR faith.
  8. This week, Caleb and Scott are joined by Dan Price to introduce the latest 1517 Podcast, "Tough Texts." On Tough Texts, Dan and Scott address classically tricky passages of Scripture and meet these texts with a plain reading.
  9. In this episode, Dr. Paulson begins to outline what Luther means when he talks about the "plain text" of Scripture.
  10. In this episode, Debi talks to Dan Price of “30 Minutes in the New Testament,” among other things- they talk about the idea of the “Christian life” in the New Testament.”
  11. In this episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price explore the difficult texts of the Bible and their relevance to our daily lives. We will be examining Luke 14:25-27, a passage in which Jesus discusses the cost of discipleship.
  12. You can’t be a gnostic and be IN Christ.