1. Kelsi talks with Pastor Matt Popovits about his forthcoming book, ⁠Junk Drawer Jesus: Discarding Your Spiritual Clutter and Rediscovering the Supremacy of Grace⁠.
  2. Reign in Blood. In this episode of Banned Books, we discuss the Lord’s Supper while reading The Last Supper: The Testament of Jesus by Reinhard Schwarz. We discuss why the distinction between a covenant and a testament is of utmost importance for exegesis, sacramental theology, and Christian life, why promise and gift are central to Luther’s understanding of the sacrament, and how rejecting the sacrament leads to a denial of Christ.
  3. In this episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price discuss Mark chapter 3, focusing on blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
  4. In this episode of Outside Ourselves, Kelsi chats with author and writer, Ashley Lande about her forthcoming book, "The Thing that Would Make Everything Okay Forever.
  5. Caleb and Bruce have a conversation about the doctrine of the church. They work to define how the church is all those with faith in Christ and the gathering of individual believers whom God has called together in specific locations.
  6. Runnin’ Down A Dream. In this episode, we dig deeper into liturgy and “action”—who’s doing what and why in Christian worship? How did the ancient pagans worship their gods, and why? What did the 16th-century Reformers teach about worship? Why should we moderns care? Mimesis, anamnesis, liturgical action, ritual, myth, sacrifices, and sacraments—we’ve got it all this week.
  7. Do The Thing. In this episode, we discuss liturgy. What is the difference between a sacramental rite and a sacrificial rite? Why are' member berries' so juicy and delicious? Can a priest or the church affect God's actions? Can a church integrate non-Christian rites into its worship?
  8. Street-Fighting Man. In this episode, we continue our discussion of the question of when it is permissible for Christians to oppose civil authority. It’s more important than ever for Christians to grasp the fundamentals of vocation, the relation of politics to liturgy, the place of the sacraments within the worship of the church, and the life of Christians, why there cannot be such a thing as a Christian nation.
  9. We Worship & Adore… You? In this episode, we discuss the intersection of liturgy and politics as we read Oliver Olson’s essay, Politics, Liturgics, and Integritas Sacramenti. It’s a historical survey of liturgical practice and politics from ancient Israel to the present, discussing the importance of symbolism, meaning, and the purpose of liturgy for faith and life.
  10. The Thinking Fellows discuss sanctification, a doctrine from which Lutherans and other Protestants differ significantly.
  11. Tick, Tick, Boom. In this episode of Banned Books, we discuss Romans 3 while reading Philip Melanchthon’s commentary on Paul’s epistle. The main topics of conversation are the limitations of the law, faith that saves, gratuitous forgiveness and the living, and the present tense power of the gospel.
  12. Justification is famously called the article upon which the church stands or falls. It is the article upon which The Lutheran Reformation stood boldly and confessed the Scriptural truth that we are made right before God by grace through faith on account of Christ alone.