1. You Silver-tongues Devil... We conclude our discussion of Dostoevsky’s dialogue between Ivan Karamazov and the devil from the Brothers Karamazov.
  2. Stay with Jesus or you can do nothing.
  3. Speak if The Devil… In this episode, we discuss Ivan Karamazov’s argument with the devil from Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel, The Brothers Karamazov. How do we recognize the evil one when he comes to us, mainly when he portrays himself as someone who wants what’s best for us?
  4. Craig and Troy launch into a new mini-series on their favorite Scriptures . . . the ones that are the central themes of the faith
  5. Welcome to The Terrordome. In this episode, we read and discuss “The Sermon” from Moby Dick. What is a preacher's responsibility to his congregation in his preaching? What happens when the Gospel is talked about but never preached? What happens when Jonah is preached without Christ at the conclusion of the sermon?
  6. Will Jesus give you anything or everything?
  7. . . . and with that, Craig and Troy put Matthew to bed, wrapping up with a dive into the Great Commission
  8. Was It Only A Dream? We conclude our reading and discussion of "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathanial Hawthorne. What happens when sin, death, and Satan are unaddressed by Christians, and especially the churches? What kind of damage does hypocrisy do to a community, congregation, and our Christian relationships?
  9. Good Christian People? In this episode, we read and discuss the parable of Young Goodman Brown, a short story by Nathanial Hawthorne. What happens when Christians don’t have a Gospel preacher? What happens when we carry our guilt and are tempted by the devil? How do we distinguish between God and the devil?
  10. Live from Summit of Peace Lutheran Church in Denver.