1. In the Lord's Supper we receive an enormous gift. Why make it more complicated than what Jesus says?
  2. What happens when the knowledge of the Law doesn't bring power?
  3. The God Behind The Veil. In this episode, we read Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, The Minister’s Black Veil, and discuss the hidden God, divination, and the mirror of the law.
  4. The light of the world casts no stone.
  5. Killer-Comforter-Praying Spirit. We conclude our reading and discussion of Johan Hamman’s London Writings. In this episode, we focus particularly on the Advocate and prayer.
  6. It’s What You Can’t See That Can Kill You. We continue our reading and discussion of Johann Hamann, The London Writings, focusing primarily on spiritual warfare and how it manifests in daily life and pastoral ministry.
  7. Eat the bread from heaven and live forever.
  8. Two Books, One Condescending God. In this episode, we discuss the exegesis of Johann Hamann. What are the implications for Christians when God’s Spirit and Word translate us into the church and the world?
  9. The bread from heaven feeds 5000 people.
  10. How long? Not Long. In this episode, we introduce the works of Johann Georg Hamann, specifically the London Writings: The Spiritual & Theological Journal of Johann Georg Hamann.