1. On this day we celebrate the feast day of Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons. We remember the death of Primoz Trubar, reformer, in 1586. Ou reading is from Augustine's "Confessions."
  2. On this day, we celebrate the feast day of Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, and remember the death of James Moffatt, translator of the Bible. Our reading is "He Dies, The Friend of Sinners Dies" by Isaac Watts.
  3. God is concerned with justice so He puts rules in place for Judges. How does the belief in ONE God separate Israel from the rest of the world?
  4. On this day, we remember Pearl S. Buck, missionary to China, and Philip Doddridge, English theologian. Our reading is "And will the Judge Descend" by Doddridge.
  5. And Your Bird Can Sing! Gillespie and Riley conclude their discussion of hymnody with Chad Bird’s hymn, The Infant Priest Was Holy Born. Again, they focus on pastoral care, comfort for Christians, and what happens when the church ignores the reality of sin, death, and Satan.
  6. The fellows discuss the differences between the first and second Great Awakenings as well as the impact of migration westward.
  7. On this day, we commemorate the presentation of the Augsburg Confession, drafted by Philip Melanchthon. We remember on this day the opening of the monastery in Clairvaux by Bernard. Our reading is the poem "O Sacred Head Now Wounded" by Bernard, transformed into hymn form by Gerhardt, and translated by Alexander.
  8. On this day we remember the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and the birthday of Henry Ward Beecher in 1813. Our reading is "Psalm 23" by Fr. John-Julian.
  9. On this day, we remember the fabled treaty between the Quakers led by William Penn and the Delaware tribe. We also recognize another treaty in Vienna in 1606 between the various Reformation churches and Rome. Our reading is "Through The Body" by Kamienska.
  10. On this day we remember the commemoration of John Fisher, bishop of Rochester and chancellor of the University of Cambridge, and the birthday of Ebenezer Erskine, member of the order of Free Gardeners. Our reading is from Ralph Erskine, brother of Ebenezer, "The Law and the Gospel."
  11. On this day we remember the birthdays of Increase Mather in 1639 and Reinhold Niebuhr in 1892. Our reading is from Milton, "On Time."