1. Mike is joined for the first time in a long time by Wade (it's not clear how Mike feels about this). The two sit down in the middle of summer 2019 to discuss the importance of reading widely for both the laity and for pastors.
  2. On the 489th anniversary of the Augsburg confession, the Fellows ask the question, does the Church still stand or fall on justification?
  3. Peter gives some examples of how to keep our conduct “honorable” before other people.
  4. On this episode Wade and Dr. Keith square off over two influential characters in the early Reformation: Philip Melanchthon and Matthias Flacius Illyricus.
  5. The series on the history of the Reformation comes to an end with a recap on the Formula of Concord and the beginnings of the Thirty Years War.
  6. This episode of the Thinking Fellows focuses on the second generation of Lutheran reformers.
  7. Between the years 1550 and 1560 the giants of the Reformation are dying. The Fellows discuss the political and theological turmoil that occurred as a result of the Smalcald war.
  8. On this episode, the Fellows discuss the events leading up to and the fallout after Luther’s death.
  9. Between the years 1550 and 1560 the giants of the Reformation are dying. The Fellows discuss the political and theological turmoil that occurred as a result of the Smalcald war.
  10. The Fellows take a one week break from their series on the history of the Reformation to answer listener questions. The questions range all the way from the doctrine of Zwingli to apologetic responses to evolution.
  11. The Thinking Fellows cover the major reformational events between 1535 and 1539.