1. You Gotta Pump Those Numbers, Those Are Rookie Numbers. We continue our examination of Tim Keller's Biblical Critique of Secular Justice and Critical Theory. In this episode, can a society maximize the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people by ignoring original sin?
  2. You Gotta Serve Somebody, part 3. We continue our reading of Tim Keller’s critique of modern political ideologies and their possible effects on our churches.
  3. You Gotta Serve Somebody, part 2. We continue to examine Tim Keller’s critique of modern political ideologies, and whether they study up to a biblical and theological critique of their core principles.
  4. God never gives you more than HE can handle.
  5. Don't open the Ark. Just don't do it.
  6. Knowledge, Food, and Free Gospel Work.
  7. Holy Saturday in the Old Testament.
  8. In this part two, Pastors Riley and Gillespie continue our reading of this contemporary article on the relationship of the Church and State from John MacArthur. 
  9. Marriage, Singleness, and being a bondservant.
  10. Do The Doors Stay Open? John MacArthur addresses the biblical rationale for defying state mandates, and whether the state can prohibit, or put restrictions on, worship.