1. As Gretchen Ronnevik was with her family at Mount Carmel Bible Camp, she ran into her friends, Nathan and Joy Hoff who run an internship program in California for young adults at their church.
  2. Hidden Streams has now recorded devotional meditations and songs for all of the Book of Psalms.
  3. In this bonus episode, Chad Bird joins Kelsi in person to discuss his newest book, ⁠Hitchhiking with Prophets: A Ride through the Salvation Story of the Old Testament⁠, which is out next week!
  4. Happy 4th of July! Celebrating freedom and the blessings we have in Christ.
  5. Dr. Anthony Bradley serves as a distinguished research fellow at The Acton Institute and Research Professor of Interdisciplinary and Theological Studies at Kuyper College.
  6. Gideon accepts the call of the Lord whole-heartedly . . . well actually no.
  7. Dear Prudence. In this episode, we focus our discussion on prudence, temperance, and modesty regarding church, marriage, public discourse, and social media while reading Gregory of Nazianzus’ letters to Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa about their doctrine of the Holy Spirit and Basil's later death.
  8. Craig and Troy open up a new series on the book of Judges.